King’s Fund Resources Available to Support You
6 May 2020 |
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In the words of Richard Murray, Chief Executive of The King’s Fund, “the health and social care system in the United Kingdom is facing a challenge the likes of which has not been seen in living memory”. Look beyond our shores and the same is true for much of the world. As NHS professionals, you are on the frontlines providing care at a time when your skills have never been so vital. With this in mind, it’s totally acceptable to be feeling strained. Just as you have supported Covid-19 patients, there are resources there to help you, too.
The King’s Fund is an independent charitable organisation which was set up in 1897. In the present day, it continues its work to improve health and care throughout England. They’re working in partnership with many other organisations including NHS England and NHS Improvement, Health Education England to provide the “Leading through Covid-19” project. The aim is to support colleagues throughout the NHS, as well as in social care, public health or the voluntary sector.
The Fund is willing to be led by healthcare professionals in terms of which content is most helpful, so get in touch with them via the form on their website to make your own suggestions. According to the King’s Fund media office, they have so far received 630 responses from those making use of these resources. The current programme of content includes managing anxiety through breathing exercises, as well as some technical guidance such as how to work with and coach your teams via virtual meetings. If there’s one thing we are all united in at the present time, it’s having to adapt to new ways of working that utilise modern technology!
You can access The King’s Fund’s resources by clicking this link. Remember to leave feedback so that the Fund can continue creating content that will be useful for yourself and your colleagues.
06 May 2020 | Leave a comment
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