Keeping Positive during Lockdown
5 Nov 2020 |
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Positive mental health is when you can realise your own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to your community. With Stress awareness week upon us, let’s take a look at simple but effective ways to maintain your wellbeing and beat down stress.
Positive mental health is normally characterised by:
- Vitality
- Positive relationships
- Ability to deal constructively with negative feelings and emotions
- Connection with other people and community
- Ability to cope
- Self-esteem
- Contentment
Methods to maintain positive mental health include:
- Accept and value yourself – Accept yourself as an important person in the community you live in, in the relationships you give to and in your work/leisure activities. Value who you are and accept that value.
- Change the thought – change the outcome – Rewire your thought process to replace negative ones with positive ones. This is not always easy but even little sunny spells are a start.
- Friends and Family – Relationships that are equal and positive can contribute to a good state of mental health. Avoid toxic or draining relationships where possible. During lockdown, stay connected with Zoom, social media and calls. It is vital to stay talking, stay in touch and don’t isolate yourself.
- Build supportive structures – Maintain a good social life, albeit virtual. Have dates nights, family fun – anything that occupies your time and mind within your home. Calling by phone to talk to friends is so important as a connection line and a good support to you. Friendships are important factors in maintaining a positive lifestyle.
- Take time for yourself – Take time alone running, reading or any activity that allows quiet relaxing time alone. It’s also a great stress buster and wellbeing tool to manage your time effectively-you will go to bed at night feeling better when you have achieved your ‘to do’ list.
- Learn to say ‘no’ when you need to – The more you say no to commitments and requests that you just cannot reach on, the easier it will get. People who manage their expectations by saying no when they need to are overall happier individuals. You cannot please all of the people all of the time-so try to please yourself more. Its not a bad thing to say no if you feel its necessary.
- Drink less alcohol – While the odd treat or glass of wine can be relaxing or a compliment to an evening meal, too much alcohol will have only negative effects on general health.
- Take regular exercise – When people exercise, endorphins are released which are feel good chemicals. This improves mental health by improving mood.
- Eat a well-balanced – A diet rich in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals boosts physical and mental health. Generally, fruit, vegetables, grains, and seeds are essential for good health and well-being. Treats on occasion are beneficial also as it’s good to have a balance. If we eat a well-balanced healthy diet research has shown many times, we tend to lead happier lives.
- Sleep – Sleep is important. We all feel irritable when we are over tired. We require sleep for concentration and to function productively the next day. Our body’s cells grow and develop with sleep and it is essential basic need for our survival.
- Talk – Talking about how you feel will only ever benefit you. Share your concerns or thoughts with a friend or family member. Ask for help if you feel you need to.
- Accept the things you cannot change – Not everything can change, learn to accept the things you simply cannot change. Sadly, lockdown and COVID are two such things we cannot change right now, but we can change the impact they have on our lives. We can change our attitude. We can be more optimistic and positive about lockdown – it is a necessity to save lives. COVID is real and here but we must hope for a successful treatment, a vaccine or an alternative decline in it’s severity with time. For now, as we enter lockdown for the second time this year, lets all keep each other positive and realise this too shall pass!
We at ProMedical value our team, our clients and our healthcare heroes, and now with Lockdown number 2 here, we want you to know we are open and here for you 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Always available to listen to support and to add a sprinkle of positivity to your day!
05 Nov 2020 | Leave a comment
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