The Top 5 benefits of a good night’s sleep on the body

20 May 2022 Anne Marie Fogarty

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Sleep Benefits

Part four of our six-part Healthy Lifestyle Series is all about the Zs!


Quality sleep has been found to improve everything from blood sugar levels to workout performance.

Here are the top 5 proven benefits of a good night’s sleep on the body.

Brain Improvement

Sleep deprivation can make it difficult to retain and recall information. As a result, sleep is critical to both learning and memory. It isn’t easy to focus and absorb new knowledge if you don’t get enough sleep. It is also impossible for your brain to adequately store memories for subsequent retrieval.


Boosting Your Mood

Emotional processing is another function of the sleeping brain. This time is necessary for your brain to notice and respond appropriately. The more you cut it short, the more negative emotional reactions you have and the less positive ones. Mood disorders can be more likely in those who have chronic sleep deprivation. As a result of a recent large research study, insomnia patients were found to be five times more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders.


Improved Heart Health

Relaxation for the heart and the blood vessels occurs when you sleep, which lowers your blood pressure a bit. The longer your blood pressure is elevated over the course of a 24-hour cycle, the less sleep you obtain. Heart disease and stroke can be caused by high blood pressure. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more stress hormones that raise your level of inflammation. This increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as other health issues. It is believed that chronic inflammation contributes to the ageing process.


Memory improvements

Memory consolidation occurs during sleep, a process that scientists are still trying to figure out why we dream and sleep. When you’re asleep, your brain is busy establishing connections between events, sensory input, feelings, and memories from your day. For your brain to build memories and connections, it needs deep sleep, which is why getting more sleep is good for your memory and thinking.


Weight loss

According to the findings of recent studies, people who sleep less than the recommended amount are more likely to be overweight or obese. The hormone balance in the body that affects hunger is considered to be impacted by sleep deprivation. A lack of sleep has been shown to affect the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which control appetite. Keep in mind that sleep is an important part of your weight-loss or weight-maintenance strategy.


Final Thoughts 

Individual sleep requirements vary, but studies show that sleeping for longer than nine hours a night can be detrimental to health. More calcium was found in the heart arteries of those who slept more frequently and in the leg arteries of those who got less sleep. To reap the most health advantages, aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Thus, these were the top 5 benefits of a good night’s sleep on the body. Ensure that you incorporate a healthy sleep schedule to maintain your health.


20 May 2022 | Leave a comment

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